
Monday, December 14, 2009

All I Want for Christmas . . .

. . . is my (1) front tooth!

 Emma Lee has had two loose teeth for quite a while now, but I wasn't really expecting one to fall out so soon (neither was she!). She was eating a pretzel last night and stopped and said "Momma." I looked up and saw a big gap. "Don't swallow, don't swallow!" was all I could say. We rushed to the bathroom, stopped up the sink, and tried to sort through (bloody, eww!) pretzel bits to find her tooth. She was SOOO excited and couldn't stop laughing and looking at her smile in the mirror (after we got the bleeding stopped).

She REALLY, REALLY wanted to keep her tooth, so she drew a picture and wrote a note to the tooth fairy: "Please let me keep my tooth and a prize." The tooth fairy did make a visit last night and left her a dollar, a book about Joseph (one of her favorite Bible characters), AND her tooth (along with a note saying she could keep her tooth as long as she gives it to her mommy to put in her scrapbook).

All I want for Christmas is my (1) front tooth, my (1) front tooth...

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