
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Adoption Steps

We are trying to involve the girls in our adoption process as much as possible. The hardest thing for them to understand is why we can't bring our little boy home tomorrow, or the next day, or the next, especially since he is already waiting for us. I tried to create a tangible way for them to keep track of how far we've advanced in the process and how much longer we have to wait. It's not perfect, but I think it will help. Emma Lee drew a picture of her little brother and put him at the top of the steps. Our family will move up each step as we complete a major part in the adoption process.


  1. I'm teary-eyed and excited for you!!! You are going to be such a great mommy to that little boy. Oh my word the girls are so, so cute, I wish I could hear all their excited chatter. After I talked to you yesterday I got your letter. That prayer card turned out amazing. I'm confident God will guide your steps. Thanks for letting me take the journey with you!

  2. What a great idea... do you mind if I share it with others? I love the smiles on your girls faces as they show us the steps. I am so excited for you guys and of course J and J... we are leaving next Friday 12/11 to pick up our 2 kiddos from Bulgaria. Let me know if you need any help with anything with your process. We have been praying for your adoption since J shared with us about it.

  3. Eric and I are so excited for you guys. Eric and I share your heart for orphans and adoption. In fact, we are hosting two orphans from Ukraine. They arrive on Dec. 13th! ( Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I know it will be an encouragement. ~Erin
