
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Girls' Surprise!

The long awaited day has come!! I've kept this secret since Jan 2008, which for me is incredible! I get really excited about gifts and special surprises and just want to share them right away! The girls will watch this video tomorrow night (well, today, Thursday, since it is past midnight and I'm waiting up for a cake cooking in the oven), and we will leave Friday morning. The plan is for them to open up a gift, which is this on dvd, watch it, and find out their surprise. I can't wait to see their reactions! We plan to get those on video too, so I'll post an update after we get back next week!


  1. Great job! I love how Andy goes on and on in that southern draw of children's pastor/youth worker of him! =) Are you REALLY ready?

  2. The girls are going to flip out! You need to get a video of their reaction to watching the dvd =)

    Have a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it and see your pictures!

  3. That is great, I love the video! The girls are going to be so excited! I hope you guys have a safe and magical trip!!

  4. Okay, that made me cry. You guys are so cool.
