
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Creative Moment

With two extra kids and a tub full of donated glitter, sequins, beads, buttons, paint, and all kinds of other assorted decorating items, I decided to have a small stroke of creative genius. This normally results in things not turning out quite as I pictured them and a mess much bigger than I ever imagined. However, this time, things turned out pretty darn cute (and really not too messy at all - although I'm not sure how that happened...). We decided to make puppets. No, not of the paper bag variety - don't you know those are so boring (as I was told).We raided the girls room for old or hopelessly stained t-shirts and mommy's sock drawer for some socks I probably haven't worn in at least ten years. (Yes, Andy, one of these days I WILL get around to cleaning out my drawers - but SEE, I needed it!!). Add in a few paint stirrers, some duck tape, and some safety pins and you have yourself some puppets.

Not only have you killed - I mean creatively entertained for - a couple of hours, but do you know how long puppet shows can last??!!

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