
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Creative Moment

With two extra kids and a tub full of donated glitter, sequins, beads, buttons, paint, and all kinds of other assorted decorating items, I decided to have a small stroke of creative genius. This normally results in things not turning out quite as I pictured them and a mess much bigger than I ever imagined. However, this time, things turned out pretty darn cute (and really not too messy at all - although I'm not sure how that happened...). We decided to make puppets. No, not of the paper bag variety - don't you know those are so boring (as I was told).We raided the girls room for old or hopelessly stained t-shirts and mommy's sock drawer for some socks I probably haven't worn in at least ten years. (Yes, Andy, one of these days I WILL get around to cleaning out my drawers - but SEE, I needed it!!). Add in a few paint stirrers, some duck tape, and some safety pins and you have yourself some puppets.

Not only have you killed - I mean creatively entertained for - a couple of hours, but do you know how long puppet shows can last??!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

You've Got a Friend in Me

Here's proof that my animal/insect/reptile/anything alive and moving loving Kerri can make a friend out of anything. I'm pretty sure that she has never met any "animal" that she hasn't immediatley fallen in love with. It is hilarious to watch her radar go off at the slightest hint that there is a dog around. She drops whatever she is doing and runs toward the dog (big, small, calm, wild, hyper, mean looking or nice, it doesn't matter). Only after much coaching has she now reached the point where she shouts as she runs toward the owner, "Can I pet your dog, can I pet your dog, can I pet your dog!" Sure, that's understandable - I'm told I  was the same way when I was little, BUT her obsession doesn't end with cute, furry things . . .

Yep! That's a crab she found on the beach.

Uh huh! She did hold it.

You bet! She did let it climb all over her.

Yes! Kerri was in absolute heaven with her new friend.

Where Does the Time Go?

 I can't believe it. Remember, as a kid, how LONG a year took to go by? It seemed to take forever to get to Christmas, the next birthday, or that really big event you'd been waiting for. How is it possible that in a blink of an eye almost five years have gone by? It was only yesterday that I was dwelling in the wonder and excitement of becoming a first time mom, so how is it possible that today I dropped that baby off for her first day of preschool? Today is just a reminder to cherish each and every moment! I don't even want to think about how quickly "tomorrow" will come!