
Thursday, April 5, 2007

Cutie Pies!

Just had a couple of cute pictures that I wanted to show off. Check out Kerri's first hair bow. Hurray! She is finally starting to get a little bit of hair. She is so cute and always wants me to fix her hair when she sees me doing Emma Lee's. The next picture is of the girls showing off their new sunglasses - so cute. The last picture is just a cute shot of the girls cuddling. They are becoming so crazy about each other. Emma Lee has been trying to pick up and carry Kerri (who only weighs about five pounds less than she does). She also loves to refer to Kerri as "my sister" - My sister wants some more juice. My sister wants to go outside. I love my sister . . . Kerri calls Emma Lee "Sissy" most of the time - the closest she has come to saying her name is something that sounds like "Emmie." They are just too precious!

1 comment:

  1. I love my girls (all three of them) sooooo much! I love you too Felix (my only boy at this point). They are too cute!

