
Monday, April 9, 2007

All dressed up . . .

This is the final installation of the Easter posts. To read them in order, scroll down and read the two previous post first. Here are pictures of the girls all dressed up in their fancy Easter dresses. The pictures really don't do them justice for how adorable they looked, but at least you get the idea. They were very excited about their little Easter baskets. We only had a minute for me to snap a couple of pictures before we had to rush out of the house in order to get to church on time. We didn't manage to get a family shot, and I couldn't get both of the girls together and looking and smiling at the same time, but here are the best of the shots I did get. There is also a picture from later in the afternoon. The girls got a wagon from their Grandma & Grandpapa and had to hop in and test it out right away. Needless to say, they loved it. They really had a wonderful Easter and hopefully they remember some of our numerous explainations for the reason we celebrate Easter.

Easter Eggs

Following the grand tradition of my childhood, I decided that this year the girls needed to dye Easter eggs. Well, I think I understand why Mom always seemed to be stressed out and worried when we were coloring our eggs. The girls hands seemed to mulitple like crazy, and I think their arms became like Inspector Gadget's, where nothing was out of their reach! They thought it was all very exciting, and I am pleased to report that nothing except eggs were permantely dyed!

Easter Egg Hunt

I have several Easter posts to put on here. This is the Easter Egg Hunt that the girls went to on Sat. They had a ton of fun, and didn't seem to notice the cold nearly as much as their Mommy did (of course, they did have three layers of clothes on). Kerri looked like she was going to topple over every time she bent over to get an egg. They jumped around in the moonbounce, had their hunt (where they each won a prize and got way too much candy), ate hot dogs and more candy for lunch, and then passed out in the car on the way home. The girls were defintely pros. They took right off and began snatching up as many eggs as they could right from the beginning. (Competitive, not greedy, right?!)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Cutie Pies!

Just had a couple of cute pictures that I wanted to show off. Check out Kerri's first hair bow. Hurray! She is finally starting to get a little bit of hair. She is so cute and always wants me to fix her hair when she sees me doing Emma Lee's. The next picture is of the girls showing off their new sunglasses - so cute. The last picture is just a cute shot of the girls cuddling. They are becoming so crazy about each other. Emma Lee has been trying to pick up and carry Kerri (who only weighs about five pounds less than she does). She also loves to refer to Kerri as "my sister" - My sister wants some more juice. My sister wants to go outside. I love my sister . . . Kerri calls Emma Lee "Sissy" most of the time - the closest she has come to saying her name is something that sounds like "Emmie." They are just too precious!