
Friday, October 23, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Precious Girls

My dear precious girls, 

Please always stay this sweet.

Please always stay best friends.

Thank you for the precious memories you give me.

Thank you for moments to cherish. 

Don't forget -wherever you go in life-

You will always be Mommy's precious little girls.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


My best attempts at getting a good picture of all six . . .

Emma Lee, Ryan, Kerri, Joshua, Rachel Beth, & Ethan

The easiest way to solve the whole don't look at the camera issue!

Quick! Escape while you can!

Promise of the last one brings out some smiles :)

Okay, well I meant the last one on the beach . . .

Room for more?? : )

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's Official . . . We're "Trying"

Today we mailed out the application (along with the non-refundable fee!) to begin our international adoption process!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Handy Andy

A while back, I was searching online trying to find a bookshelf for the girls' room. I found the perfect one: it was white, adorable, would look so cute in their room, and just the size I was looking for. Unfortunately, I fell in love before I looked at the $425 (plus shipping) price tag. Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. I still couldn't get it out of my mind, so I printed out a picture, took it to Andy and asked him if he thought he could make it. Fortunately for me, my own dear Handy Andy loves a project. We took a trip to the man mall, you know - Lowes, bought the supplies for a fraction of the cost and within a couple of hours of his starting the project, he had built me a bookshelf pretty identical to the one I found online. Granted, because of classes, exams, dissertation, and just life in general, it took a couple of months to get it completely (paint and all) finished, but I now have it! As is normal with us, one project spurs on another, so we also repainted a portion of the girls' room and created a dress-up area complete with a full length mirror and flower pegs on the wall.

I also foresee a future project because I'm ashamed to admit it but my almost 4 and almost 5 year olds still sleep in their toddler beds, and guess what - in my searches online I just happened to see a bunkbed set that matches the bookshelf. Maybe after graduation, Andy will need a new project....