
Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'm just saying . . . Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven move over!

So, Emma Lee was sad that I recorded and posted a video of Kerri swimming and not her (No, I'm not showing favoritism- Emma Lee's learning to swim process was just not as sudden and dramatic as Kerri's). To be fair (and maybe to brag just a tad!), here's Emma Lee's latest and greatest accomplishment. I really do think that she's a natural. This is a video from her second day of playing the piano!

**Sorry it's not great lighting. I just did it with my regular camera b/c I don't know how to post video from my actual video camera. How sad is that?!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'm just saying. . . .future Olympic swimmers beware!

Here's Kerri's new trick she learned at the beach this week. She's always been a little fish in the water, but this week she figured out how to put it all together! In typical Kerri fashion, once she got it figured out there was no stopping her. She has NO fear (which is scary to Mommy!). She would just take off and try to swim across the pool - whether I was ready for her to or not.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I'm frustrated, so I'm seeking outside help!! :) I've been trying in my "spare" time to change up my blog format, and nothing's working for me. Instead, I've even lost some of what I had already set up, and I'm afraid to fix it back for fear of losing everything again!!

Anyway, I'd love a cuter background to start with. I've tried the cutest blog on the block and pyzam, and I can't get either to work. Any suggestions??? I'd really love to design my own, but I'm afraid of putting too much time into something that I won't be able to get to work.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just because it deserves its own post . . .

To see more of our trip to Wrightsville Beach click here