
Monday, August 4, 2008

My New Hobby - Saving Money

Recently, I've become very addicted to using coupons. I never thought that this day would come, but I've been introduced to a whole new world of shopping that makes it all so easy. For those of you who know me well, you know that I am a bargain shopper. Now, my bargain shopping for things like clothes and shoes has spilled over into my weekly grocery trips. I get such a "rush" and a "thrill" from looking at the bottom of my receipt and seeing how much I saved, and my family is constantly subjected to ecstatic phone calls from me bragging about what a good deal I got.

So, you are probably thinking, like I did, that you don't have time for cutting coupons, remembering to take them with you (isn't it hard enough just trying to find your list?), pulling them out from the recesses of your purse, and waiting for the cashier to uncrinkle them all and slowly scan each one while you try to keep your toddler(s) from grabbing candy from the aisle, climbing out of the cart, or losing a shoe or sippy cup . . . you get the picture. BUT, I had no idea how much I could save!! I have been saving AT LEAST 50% off my grocery bill total and usually it is much more than that. Plus, my shopping trips are easier because I'm more organized. Now, this organization is not something that I have to try to fit in an already too busy day - I just cut coupons and work on my list while I'm watching TV (which makes me feel less guilty about having that "down time" - I love multi-tasking!!)

Okay, here's the deal - I know that I sound like I'm trying to sell something, I'M NOT - I'm just SUPER EXCITED and want to share my findings with anyone else who is interested. Basically, there are three things that I do that gets my TONS of free or seriously discounted stuff (we're talking under a dollar here!)

#1. I joined the Grocery Game (
They offer a 4 week trial period for a $1, but I promise you that you'll become hooked! Basically, what they do is compile lists for each grocery store (you pick the one(s) you shop at). This lists detail all the sales that store is having and tells you which coupon to use to get the best price. That means that you don't clip the coupons from Sunday's paper and use them Monday. You wait until the list tells you to use that coupon in order to get the best deal. The list is color-code to help you make your shopping trip list. BLACK means that it is on sale and a pretty good deal, BLUE means that it is the best deal that is ever offered and you try to stock up on these items, GREEN means that it is FREE!! Last week in my grocery shopping trip I saved $140. $75 of that was JUST FROM COUPONS!!!!! Anyway, this makes cutting coupons totally worth the little extra work!!

#2. CVS Extra Bucks
This is so much fun, it is like playing a real life game. CVS offers certain items each week that earn Extra Care Bucks (ECB's). This is basically store credit that you can use on other purchases. Visit
to get a detailed description of how this works. ECB's allow you to get a lot of free stuff. Another trick that I figured out is that if they are having a buy one get one free sale and you have a buy one get one free coupon for the same item(s), then you get BOTH items FREE. They don't make both items half price; therefore, when you use your coupon they ring it up for the total of the item which means you pay nothing! Or, for a BOGO sale you can use two coupons since you are getting two items. Often this means that they end up paying you for the items!

#3. Rite Aid Single Check Rebate
This is very similar to CVS's reward program, except that instead of ECB's you get a check in the mail for the amount of savings that you've earned. Basically, I just use this for the items that I can get completely free. I charge them on my credit card and then pay it off with the rebate check that comes in the next 2-3 weeks. There are no rebate forms to fill out and mail in. You just go online and enter in three sets of numbers from your receipt and they do the rest. My last shopping trip to Rite Aid I got $81 worth of shampoo, hair care products, razors, light bulbs, contact solution, etc. for about $2 of tax that I paid (I used some coupons on top of their sales which offset some of the tax).

Well, there it is - my latest hobby. Check it out and let me know what you think. Email me or send me a message if you have any questions. Obviously, I like to talk about it!!! If you try the grocery game and decide you like it and want to join, you can put me down for the referral if you remember. (My email address is You can get free weeks for every 3 people who say that they were referred by you. (I know - still trying to get MORE free stuff!!!!) Seriously though, it is no big deal if you don't.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Strawberry PIcking

We had a good time picking strawberries. After explaining that we really did want the strawberries and not the flowers, the girls and I began the picking. Kerri lasted for about a whole 30 seconds. After that, she took her first bite and did not stop eating the entire time. I told the people there that we should have weighed her before and after to pay for all the ones that she ate! Emma Lee was a little more dedicated in her picking, but she still took the time to eat her fair share. Somehow, between Kerri snatching them out of the bucket almost as fast as I could pick them, we ended up with 13 pounds of strawberries. Yummy! Here are a couple of pics, to see them all click on the facebook link.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Beauty of Spring

Although, normally, I claim not to have favorites, the beginning of each new season always has a special feel to it (I'm glad I live in a state where I get to enjoy all four!). I love the first really hot day of summer where it feels wonderful to splash in some cool refreshing water. I love the first cool, crisp days of fall that just beg for you to come outside for a walk. I love the beginning of winter where you can get all cozy in front of a fire with a mug of hot chocolate, and wake up the next morning to peak outside because, just maybe, you might see some snow. Spring, however, might have to be classified as my favorite beginning of a season. This year, I've been exceptionally amazed at the beauty of God's creation. Typically, I'm not a big lover of flowers, but there is just something about seeing the first new buds form and burst into shape that fills me with joy. Here are a few awe-inspired pictures I've taken while trying to soak up as much of this glorious time of year that I can.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Happy Easter

We had a wonderful Easter!
Click here to see our pictures!

Friday, February 29, 2008

My Dancing Princesses

Recently, one of the girls favorite movies has been Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses. They could watch it a million times (or maybe they have) and still love it. They quote from it, dance from it, and ask why they don't have 12 sisters! While there are "only" two of them, sometimes it does seem like 12! : ) I thank God every day that he gave them each other to play with. They are so sweet, and I love them to pieces! Here are a few pictures of my dancing princesses.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Anniversary Trip!

Photo and video editing at

Andy and I spent a week and a half in Florida celebrating our 5 year anniversary. We had a wonderful time, but were sooo ready to come back home - that's way too long to be away from our girls. The great thing is that we planned another family trip to Disney World for the girls' birthday next November. They'll be turning 4 and 5, which will be so perfect! I'm so glad that we had a chance to experience it first together, but I'm already so excited about our next trip there with the girls. We took our video camera around the park and had the princesses tell the girls that they are excited about them coming and can't wait to see them on their birthday. They also have a semi-new thing called Bibbity-Boppity boutique where girls can have "make-overs" done to turn them into "princesses." They go all out and do their hair, make-up, nails, and all the accessories and clothes you can imagine! So, those ladies got all excited about our plan and sang the girls a little song and said that were looking forward to their visit. Anyway, Andy's going to put a movie together and we'll give to it them when we are ready to leave for our trip. Can you tell I'm a little excited - I only have to keep it a secret from them for a year and a half!! No problem, right? : )

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas Celebrations

Wow, what a season! Our Christmas pretty much lasted a whole week, which was perfectly fine with the girls. They had such a blast this year. One thing that I learned this year is that Christmas with kids is even better than Christmas as a kid!

Click on this link to see all our pictures

Little Update on the Girls

Two days in a row "riding the potty train," as Kerri calls it. So far, she is accident free! WOW! I can't imagine no diapers!

Look at what Emma Lee calls her "new hair." So Cute!!