
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

And they're out . . .

We are loving the warmer weather. I really hope it sticks around. The girls have been going completely stir crazy lately. There's just something different from running around inside and running around outside. Yesterday, they enjoyed a day at the park (sorry, I forgot my camera). Today, they played in their sandbox (which they got for their birthday and hadn't had a chance to use yet). They had a blast, despite the stray dog that wandered up (can't wait for our fence). They took a little break from the sand and "rocked in the boat" in the sandbox lid. Too cute!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Feb. 14th!

Happy Valentine's Day!
We love you.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


We were so excited to have our great friends, Rachel, Josiah, and their precious baby Elizabeth, come stay with us. Rachel and Josiah are working on their deputation with Fellowship International Missions (FIM) and are visiting family and friends to raise interest and support. Check out their website at We hadn't seen Elizabeth since she was just a little baby who laid around and slept. It was so cute to watch her and the girls interact. I think Felix became the center of attention, and he is probably ready to hide and sleep for a week. We were all (except for Felix) sad to see them go and already looking forward to when we can visit again. Here are a couple pictures of the girls hanging out together. It is so cool when best friends have babies who can become best friends!