
Friday, January 19, 2007

First "Snow"

The girls finally got to experience a "first" together. Their first snow! Although many people would probably not even rate this as snow, we have to take what we can get around here! It started out as about a two inch covering, but by the time I waited for the sleet to stop, whatever real snow we had was pretty much melted and all we were left with was about a 1/2 inch of slushy ice. Hey, beggars can't be choosers, right? Anyway, I bundled the girls up until walking was almost impossible, and we headed out to the "snow." The girls were thrilled! Emma Lee kept asking where the snowman was (that has been her only association with the word snow). Making a snowman was pretty much out of the question, but her and Kerri both were very excited when they realized that you could turn the snow into balls! I don't think Kerri said anything except for "Ball, ball . . . " the whole time we were outside! (Well, there was the time she kept calling for "Mommy" when she fell and couldn't get up, thanks to all her extra padding.) Anyway, they had so much fun and they were so cute to watch, which made it worth all the effort it took to get them dressed (no small feat), undressed, clean up, and do extra laundry. And, of course, I got scrapbook pictures for my efforts! We ended the playtime with lukewarm hot chocolate (in sippy cups) and cookies. A perfect ending to a not so perfect snow. Emma Lee keeps asking to play in the snow again, and I tell her she has to ask God to send her more snow. Who knows, maybe we will have a real snowstorm sometime this winter.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Chuck E. Cheese

We had an exciting day at Chuck E. Cheese. It was Kerri's first time where she actually knew what was going on. I think the last time we were there she slept through it all. They thought they were in heaven with all the pizza, games, and rides. Although, I think that they would have had just as much fun just walking around taking in all the noise and activity. Emma Lee loves to "people watch" and she gets so distracted from whatever she is doing and just stares at whoever catches her attention. They had a huge, huge rocking horse that you climb up to and ride; the girls thought it was really cool. Emma Lee talked on the phone with Chuck E. Cheese, and Kerri really took out her aggression on the whack-a-mole! They also enjoyed Mommy's favorite, skeeball (with their own rules)! Anyway, I thought these pics were cute and wanted to let you all see them.

Friday, January 12, 2007

A New Year

Well, this year is off to a running start. Just wanted to show you a couple of pictures of the girls partying like crazy on New Year's Eve. Although they didn't make it to midnight, they did stay up until about 10:00 (quite an accomplishment since their bedtime is 8:00!).


I can't believe that we are finally starting to catch up with the rest of the world (technologically). We may still have dial-up and no laptop or flat screen monitor, but by golly, we have a blog! I didn't realize how clueless I was about all "the latest" until a while back when my baby sister had to try to explain to me what My Space is. I think she probably felt like I did when I tried to explain email to my Mom : ). (Love you, Mom!) Anyway, my hope is that this will help to keep us a little more connected to our family and friends. You all know that I am not the greatest about emailing, writing, sending pictures, calling, ect. I think about you all and love you, it is just hard to make the time to let you know! So, here I can upload pictures and write and hopefully it is a little more personal than sending out a massive email to everyone I know. Check back often, because I am going to try to really do this!